Hardware Malfunction Arduino demo
I made the music for "Hardware Malfunction" a demo that runs on Arduino Mega 2560 presented at Revision 2020. Coded by fgenesis y graphics by m4dguy.
New album Feel Bit
New album released! Listen now using this link.
C64 cover of "Lamento Boliviano"
This is my Commodore 64 cover of the track Lamento Boliviano (Bolivian sorrow), a very popular rock song from Argentina
(Composed by Alcohol Etílico but made popular by Los Enanitos Verdes.)
Exceutable download in this link.
Guilty Retro Pleasure
New single out! A tribute to the creators of videogames both retro and new for our enjoyment! Pre-save using this link.
Metamorphosis (remix)
My new track "Metamorphosis (remix)" is now available on Spotify and other platforms. You can listen to it by clicking here.
Science Cultural Center Processing Day
Saturday february 8, 2020 I performed at this great event related to Processing, Art & coding in Science Cultural Center, in Buenos Aires.
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